Δευτέρα 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Putin assassination plan foiled

Putin assassination plan foiled

Published: 27 February, 2012, 09:34
Putin assassination plan foiled
Putin assassination plan foiled

Russian and Ukrainian intelligence services have successfully foiled terrorist plans to assassinate Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, according to Russia’s Channel One TV.
Russia’s Channel One said on Monday the internationally-wanted criminals detained in Ukrainian city of Odessa confessed they had intended to assassinate Putin. The attack was supposed to be carried out in Moscow right after the presidential elections of March 4.
One of the two initially detained revealed they had flown into Ukraine from the United Arab Emirates via Turkey, reports Russia’s online newspaper Lenta.ru. They got all the instructions from Russia’s most-wanted terrorist Doku Umarov. According to the detained, they were instructed to carry out a number of attacks in Moscow and to plan a further attack on Putin.
The detained also informed about another group participant, who was later arrested in Ukraine. The suspect is now cooperating with investigators in fear of possible extradition to Russia.
The information on the detention of the alleged terrorists in Ukraine became known at the beginning of February. However the details of the detention and the goals of the suspects have not been disclosed.
The press-secretary of Russia's head of government and presidential hopeful has confirmed the report. 
"I confirm the information, but make no comment on it," Russia’s Itar-Tass news agency quotes Dmitry Peskov as saying on Monday.

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